"The Adventures of Detective Fateen 1" is a book for the age group +12 years. It is an interesting story that contains a puzzling mystery that he has the wisdom to solve. Perfect for kids who love gas.

£6 £7-14.29%

Product Description

The Adventures of Detective Fatin1

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Novel for young people

Written by: Samer Anwar Al-Shamali

Detective Fateen is different from the rest of the famous investigators, as he is a simple man, distinguished by humility, and despite the circumstances that oppose him, he succeeds in uncovering mysterious crimes and entrapping the cunning thieves, and he does not deny the merit of (Moayad) in helping him.

And (Moayad) is a boy who is fond of reading detective stories, and he asks his uncle (Fateen) about the cases he is investigating because his hobby is participating in uncovering mysteries!

The importance of this type of story is that it teaches us the accuracy of observation, the use of information, and the logical way of deduction.